Sunday, February 19, 2006

freedom of expression

Freedom is a much bandied term in the western world.I ascribe to it as much as they do.Freedom of action,ofcourse is a reserved right-to be used justly, without harm to others. For me, the freedom of expression is no different.You are allowed to say whatever you want, but we have to realise that this freedom comes with a responsibility. Controversial expressions are just and acceptable as long as they are a just critic, serve a useful cause or provoke a debate and hopefully, positive change.However, the freedom of expression is not to be abused.

Expression should not just be a medium where one side of the world assails another.


Tarun said...

What is funny is that all those islam fundmentalists asking for censorship and monitored speech are doing so on the platform of freedom of speech.

Anonymous said...

Controversial expressions are just and acceptable as long as they are a just critic, serve a useful cause or provoke a debate and hopefully, positive change."


Just one problem there, buddy.
Who defines 'positive change', 'useful cause', 'just critic'? Your words are their own caricatures.

The moment you qualify freedom of expression, it ceases to be freedom.
Thats the catch. And you have to live with it.

IF you stand for freedom, you have to stand for not just the freedom of those expressions you think are just, and worthy, but also for those you consider abominable.

Remember Voltaire?
"I find what you write absolutely despicable, but i will lay down my life to see that you continue to write."
Think about it. Do.

Cos as some one once said, unless you believe in the freedom of those you despise, you dont believe in freedom at all.
