Sunday, December 25, 2005

regurgitator 3: rise of the morons

As my fave critic once put it, some movies are created to prove that watching a blank wall is a much more entertaining and educating experience, while others are created to insult the audience's intelligence.Terminator 3 is one of them.

To start with,Guvnor Arnie feels,acts and looks like a pension drawing robot.Apparently, his party's policies to privatise Social Welfare has worked. His releif cheques seem to be too paltry as he is wearing the same clothes as part 2. Is this a result of a DeJa Vu or a residual self image?

The T-X, which is supposed to be a hot( as defined by Victoria's Secret), looks like one of those pet chewed dolls-only that its capable of changing its boob size(a device once predicted ny John Brunner in 'Stand on Zanzibar'.Nothing new!).Oh! it can also barbecue a chicken a mile away among other impressive thing.

Our protagnist, John Conner,son of Sarah Conner,is an out of work,motorbike wielding vagabond who crashes as he is unable to steer around a deer! Is this the man we are putting humanity's future into?

Anyway,the movie is an insult to us,to the machines and the ant which guest starred in the movie. The T-X has all the paraphernielia to make it a perfect killing machine.However, it doesnt have a poison syrette to inject into John when she catches him.It is also of importance to notice that none of the androids- or cybernetic organisms as Arnie romantically calls- 'think' that the optimum way to kill a human organism is to ram him through all the glass screens around.I assume that the robots which took over Sant Gobane( a swiss glass company) lobbied for such mechanisms to ensure that their company did well.As we have noticed, the cybernetic organisms(norgasm) have sucessfully followed the capitalist patterns.Arnie has carried some of his governance in to movie. It looks as if its the shape of things to come.

Another loophole is that shri.Terminator Arnie has a hydrogen fuel cell that explodes in a mini-mushroom cloud. its got the same shape as the shady mushroom that you get in a 10 rupees mushroom soup at your street corner chineese bandi! I wonder why he never used this weapon in regurgitator 2:boring day!Was he suffering from amnesia?

Oh! we also had those classic,wit soaked, intelligence dripping one liners-no one synonym-lines.He luckily doesnt remember 'i wll be back'(to the bathroom? i bet that arnie will not be able to say that to his electorate) and astala.....whatever babie! He has other intelligent oneliners which have their impact only when they ooze out of a robot running on gas and 128kb RAM!

I cant end without a comment on skynet, our freindly neighbourhood chip loose computer.Its self aware(oooooooooooh!-I see shades of a unit matrix,nai a null matrix-anything bigger would be difficult to compute).Does that imply it will be able to decide against voting for the republican party and having the capability to train itself to go to the bathroom everytime it feels like peeing? Anyway,Skynet launches nuclear strikes all over the planet and we all go to kingdom come.I will let out some of the code for skynet so that you all can build one in your backyard.Its in BASIC.Its at the end of the half view.

If the self-awareness they refer to is so basal, i am sure that even my ancient computer-running on windows(!!!!) has more common sense. THe ant which guest starred in the movie was apparently so disgusted- by the preview(imagining that it would be an insult to be associated with such a lowly intelligence) that it paid from its own personal accounts to remove the footage involving it.Thats why we dont see the ant that guest starred in the movie.

Anyway,getting back to more important things, i wonder how skynet would perform if it comes face to face with marvin the paranoid android.It would be nice to see skynet commit suicide.It wouldnt need to try too hard. it just has to spell the name of a particular austrian body builder.He forgot about the brain i presume.

Interesting scenes in the movie:

By far, the most interesting scene is at the end. TX crashes into the fallout shelter in a helicopter which i dont exactly know too much about.Following it is Sea-stallion.I was starting to wonder if Godzilla was gonna come through it next.

A scene bound to be screened in the same hall of fame as the cradle scene of potemkin is the bathroom fight. The regurgitators hit each other with every available peice of bathroom hardware.Vow! One piece of hardware hurting another piece of hardware with other never got better.the icing is ofcourse the bit when TX is stuffed down the crapper. Mouthwash?

The real story:

i have a conspiracy theory.Skynet already exists.Its using movies like regurgitator to convert most of humanity into zombies,so that it can take over a world,without launching a nuclear strike. Its such a severe insult to every brain that each brain terminates itself. that explains the name of the movie.

I will end here. There is apparently gonna be a fourth part regurgitated.till then,chew the cud.
I will be back.


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I hope you all will make the best of it.

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