Sunday, March 19, 2006

miscellaneous things i like for no reason

Over the past few days,i have been going over all the things-which can at best be described as random and when in a pseude mood as 'surreal'.Some of the highest rated among them include:

1.Large areas- barren of human civilisation and presence.
2.Large areas which are devoid of any bright sources of light at night. I like it better when the darkness is peppered with small points of light.I liked it even more last night, when i managed to sit and stare at the flowers beneath one such small point of light.
3.Small trails going through the wilderness to nowhere in particular.
4.watching large stacks of photos(with people i recognise) with suiting music in the background.
5.jingoistic movies which i know are jingoistic
6. the idea that i am capable of independent thought.

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